of the
will be held on
Thursday 30th of May, 2024 at 7.30 pm
at the
Essendon Baseball Club Rooms
(Boeing Reserve)
Boeing Rd Strathmore Heights.
Nominations for all positions close on Thursday, 23rd May 2024
with the Secretary
President, Vice Presidents (2), Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Junior Co-Ordinator, Junior Secretary, Grounds Manager, Webmaster, Canteen Manager, Clubhouse Manager, Equipment Manager, Activities Manager, EF&CSC Liason, Public Officer
Julie Jones
Essendon Baseball Club is excited to announce that as of last night’s proposed budget, the City of Moonee Valley has pledged funding for the Chris Lane Field Scoreboard, similar to the one on our main diamond.
John Sipek, a long time supporter of EBC, was instrumental in making this happen.
The scoreboard was the final piece of the puzzle we needed to complete the Chris Lane Memorial Field project, and I couldn’t be happier.
We thank John and the council for their ongoing support of our magnificent club.
Tony Cornish, Club President
EBC love to you all
The U18s & Seniors Presentation night will be held on Saturday the 1st of April at the Windy Hill venue.
Full details will be announced closer to the event.
So for now just make sure to keep the date free
The club is calling for nominations for consideration of being inducted into the clubs Hall Of Fame.
The Essendon Baseball Club Hall of Fame seeks to recognise and enshrine players and senior coaches who have made a significant contribution to the Club since inception in 1893.
The Hall of Fame recognises and promotes the outstanding achievements of an illustrious group of Essendon’s most respected and celebrated past players and senior coaches
You can find full details of the process and the criteria at the link below for such selections.
Essendon Baseball Club members & supporters, we have exciting news!
The time has finally come to announce our new Essendon Baseball Club uniforms, and players and supporters clothing merchandise, just in time for the Summer season!
Please take a moment to browse the new items in our shop.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved in this sizeable project – I hope you’ll agree that the result has been worth all the effort put into the process. It’s all coming together! #ebclove
The following is the high level Men’s senior training plan through August and September:
(Please be advised that these dates may change if Covid-19 restrictions deem otherwise)
Please remember that you will need to sign-in via the club QR code which are located around the club at every training session. Also masks need to be carried and worn in situations when training stops and also masks must be worn to enter any part of the clubrooms, be it social area or toilets.
AUGUST (For players not involved with Winter Baseball)
Monday 9th & 16th – 6pm – 7.30pm
Wednesday 18th & 25th – 6pm – 7.30pmSunday 22nd & 29th – 11am – 1pm
SEPTEMBER (For all mens senior players)
Tuesdays & Thursday 6pm-8pm
Saturdays 10am -12pm
Any changes will be communicated along the way.
1st game of the season TBC – most likely Sunday 26th of September.
To all EBC Members as Addressed
Just an update of what has been happening over the last few months. Other than Covid-19 of course.
After 8 years of pain, we finally have preliminary plans for the Chris Lane field and they look fantastic, I am having fortnightly meetings with council and I am confident that “dirt with turn” prior Xmas. The initial plans look fantastic, I cannot share at this point but once finalised I publish. My vision is to be able to not only play juniors but also women’s baseball and training. As this field will have lights we need to get as much usage as possible. There will be a 2 meter high bronze statue of Chris at the entrance and we hope to hold state and national games on this field. Exciting times ahead.
The synthetic on the main diamond is due to be replaced but there are some immediate dangerous concerns being damage to first and second base. To get another year or 2 out of the main diamond the club has decided, in consultation with council, to put dirt around each base to replicate Altona These works will happen in the next 3 weeks and will coincide with the first base bullpen works.
Luke has organised a concrete path from rooms to gym to finish that area off and it looks amazing ( well done Luke) we are continually creating the best grass roots facilities in the country for baseball.
We have received 3 grants to the value of 11K all up driven by Ros Gowty which is an amazing effort, we thank Ros for her efforts
The academy is going strong and EBC continues to be the leader in all aspects of the game.
Pre summer season training dates will be released soon and I hope you are all as excited as I am for the summer season
Don’t forget, if you have any injuries, Luke is on site every day and we have the gym and hitting tunnels ready for anyone who wants to start their pre season early
EBC Love to you all, you proud president
Tony Cornish
More community sporting organisations will be able to level the playing field for women and girls, through a Victorian Government initiative backing dozens of projects across Victoria.
I’m happy to announce that EBC has been successful in gaining a $5,000 “Change Our Game” Community grant.
The grant will go to initiatives in promoting and developing our Women’s baseball program.
You can view all details about the grant at this link :
7 May 2021
Media release
Giles Returns to Lead Bombers
Record breaking club coach, Peter Giles has committed to lead Essendon Baseball Club for the next two summer seasons.
Inducted as an EBC Life Member in 2019 and founder of the highly acclaimed Academy of Baseball Excellence, Giles will again be joined by fellow Life Members Richard King (Assistant Coach) and Frank Tamburrino (Game Day Advisor).
Taking over from Championship-winning club coach, Russell Spear, who stepped down due to work and family commitments after the incredible 2020/21 Senior League Championship win in March, Giles will reprise the role he played with unprecedented success from 2011 to 2019.
The respected mentor created a winning culture at the club during his previous tenure, evidenced not only by six consecutive Division One Championship wins under his guidance, but also by consistent finals appearances at all levels of the club.
EBC President, Tony Cornish was delighted to announce Giles’ reappointment and the return of King and Tamburrino.
“Peter, Richard and Frank are such an important part of what this club has achieved over the past decade. To have Peter recommit as club coach for at least the next two years allows us to continue the tremendous work of Russell Spear who, in his two years as club coach, helped a talented young playing group make their mark on Victorian baseball,” said Cornish.
“It’s great to have Frank and Richard back in their on-field roles. They bring a lifetime of experience to assist Peter and the players” Cornish added.
In accepting the appointment, Giles was typically understated: “It’s an honour to lead EBC’s senior playing group once again; particularly on the back of a Championship year and finals appearances right across the grades.”
“Incredibly, for the second time I’ve not only inherited an on-field list from Russell that is in great shape and knows how to win, but also a club that continues to be a leader in community sport,” said Giles.
“Having Richard and Frank back in formal roles at the Club is a further boost to the amazing support team that Russell has relied on over the past two years”, said Cornish. “In Pete’s own words, it’s all coming together!”
Enquiries: Tony Cornish – 0411 055 050